Christy Radez

Christy Radez, the new director of curriculum and instruction at Fonda-Fultonville Central School District

FONDA — Fonda-Fultonville Central School District has welcomed Christy Radez as its director of curriculum and instruction. She joins the district from the New York State Education Department.

Radez served as an associate in NYSED's office of standards and instruction, where she led key projects such as instilling the Seal of Civic Readiness. The seal can be earned through community service or research in civic knowledge and participation and replace a student's social studies regents exam requitrements. At Fonda-Fultonville, she plans to encourage those same values within the smaller districtwide community, one she says was instantly welcoming.

“When you walk in the building, the kids — really — they're smiling, they're supportive of each other; they care about each other,” Radez said. “It's very clear from the Board of Education, to the teachers to everyone that I've met, there is a real authentic connection and concern for each other. So that kind of building of community, to me, seems like a really good place to come and be a part of.”

As the director of curriculum and instruction, Radez's main duty is making sure the school and students remain aligned with state standards.

“So that’s making sure that all of the changes that are coming from the federal and state government that teachers are made aware and prepared to present to students,” she said.

Radez began her career in the classroom, spending 15 years as a social studies teacher.

“The real reason why we have public education, and especially social studies, is because we really rely on each other, and we need kids to pay attention to the important role they play in our democracy to get out and vote or volunteer,” Radez said. “You know, be the kids that, when we need food in our food banks, they're going to go make that extra effort and provide that; that when a neighbor's house burns down, they're there to help support that family … We really need to think about the importance of our community and how we really can make a huge difference in each other's lives.”

As she starts her new gig, students across the state are also likely to see some new changes. In November, a state Blue Ribbon Commission recommended to the Board of Regents that students have more agency in their education by way of selecting their classes from certain categories, and choosing how to prove their mastery. Radez is eager to implement these potential policies at Fonda-Fultonville.

“You know, really getting to prepare students for the resiliency and flexibility that will be needed when they go out and hit the workforce,” Radez said.

After being so warmly welcomed by the district, she has only grown more eager to immerse herself in the community.

“I've already been able to attend the winter concert for the school,” she said. “I do think that being in this position, and being a part of this school, it's important to be a part of the larger community.”

Radez grew up on Long Island and currently resides in Niskayuna. She received her bachelor’s in history from SUNY Oswego, before earning a master's in teaching from Union College. She also has a school district leader and education administration degree from the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts.

Reporter Ameara Ditsche covers schools in Fulton and Montgomery Counties. Reach her at