Hamas, GOP share fear of equal rights

The Dec. 31 New York Times front page included, “Sexual Violence on Oct. 7,” describing the bizarre violence that Palestinian Hamas inflicted on Israeli women on Oct. 7, 2023.

The Palestinians of Gaza and the Republicans of today’s United States of America have something in common — they despise females who claim and exercise equal rights.

Palestinian Gaza is the farm that raised Hamas. The insane behavior of Hamas is the harvest that the Palestinians permitted and desired.

Yes, the world is divided, between those who want human rights and those who want slavery thinly disguised as male social control. You had better vote wisely.

There are Muslims and Christians united in their pathological hatred of liberated women.

The Founding Fathers of the United States were right: the only way some people can be truly free is when all people are equally free.

John M. Medeiros


Israelis world leaders in precision warfare

In response to Frank Palmeri’s Dec. 29 letter to the editor, (“Our foreign policy doesn’t make sense,”) I’m not certain from what source he gets his news, but his letter is factually and completely incorrect.

The Israel Defense Forces are a world leader in precision warfare utilizing AI, in an effort to reduce civilian wartime casualties and protect Israeli soldiers.

This technology, developed in cooperation with American companies, will protect American soldiers in the future.

As for carpet bombing, I’d remind Mr. Palmeri that American warplanes leveled Dresden, Germany, in World War II, causing tremendous civilian casualties, many of them women and children. Does that make America guilty of war crimes as well?

Page Salenger


Set yourself free from past mistakes

Out with the old, in with the new! Set yourself free from 2023.

Leave the past behind and rejoice in the future. The past is history, and you cannot change it.

You can learn from it and that is the most valuable part of the past.

Don’t repeat your mistakes and adjust your actions to make your future brighter.

Resolve to do more in 2024! It’s a whole new year and that provides us with the opportunity to improve ourselves, assist others and generally do our best to improve society. The options in the new year are limitless. Do not focus on the last year, but realize the new year is an open book, ready to be filled with positive accomplishments and unlimited improvement. Set your goals high and you can excel in this new year as you never have before.

Do not let others hold you back. Be your own person and be proud of not only what you do, but who you are. You are a unique individual with your own perspectives.

Use your moral compass to make good choices and you will not only improve your life but will also improve the lives of the people around you

We are all in the race -- it’s called the human race. Be in it to win it, but also realize that if you help others to improve their lives, you are a champion in your own way.

Remember real heroes don’t knock others down, they pick them up.

Eddie Brush



The Gazette welcomes letters from all political points of view.

Regular letters must be no longer than 250 words.

Letter writers are limited to one letter every 30 days to ensure as many people have an opportunity to be published as possible.

We reserve the right to edit for grammar, style, libel, accuracy and offensive language.


Letters related to upcoming elections are limited to 200 words.

A letter mentioning any declared candidate (for 2023 or 2024) for any local, state and federal office is considered election-related.

The deadline for letters related to any election is 5 p.m. 10 days prior to the election. Letters received after that deadline will not be published before the election.