With reference to your Dec. 28 editorial (“Time to end legal fight over pensions”) about the St. Clare’s pensioners, I agree with everything that you said up to the part about the state spending taxpayer’s money.

I have a few questions. First, did the ex-hospital employees ever contribute anything to their pensions?

Second, where did the about $50 million that the state already gave to a pension fund go? If that is missing or unaccountable someone should be in jail.

This is a very unfortunate situation, but sometimes bad things happen to good people. How about the Catholic Church selling off a few gold crosses to fund their obligations.

There are many good people up here in Fulton County that worked for years in glove shops and tanneries that had no pension and the state is not bailing them out. Likewise many people in the capital region and all across the state without a pension are not asking the state to provide one for them.

The local politicians are not making any noise for everyone else. They just want newspaper time.

Richard C. Baker
