Stefanik a hypocrite on discrimination

Elise Stefanik is a hypocrite.  She feigned “shock” at the university presidents’ answers regarding antisemitism on college campuses – “It depends on the circumstances.”

Their response was legally correct but morally obtuse. Score one for the MAGA warrior.

Her real purpose was to exact revenge on her alma mater, Harvard, for removing her from its board and to stir up a political backlash to the DEI principles adopted by elite colleges.

If she truly cared about antisemitism, she would have spoken out against her idol, Trump, when he defended the Charlottesville marchers who carried torches, Nazi style, and shouted, “Jews will not replace us” – a threat as menacing as “From the River to the Sea.”

Similarly, she never uttered a peep condemning Trump for inviting Kanye West (“Defcon 3 to the Jews”) and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes to the White House.

In light of her ostensible opposition to antisemitism, I would like to pose this question to the congresswoman. In the past, you have expressed nativist ideas that echo the great replacement conspiracy theory, which says Western elites, Jews in particular, are bringing in immigrants to replace Whites. Do you still support that theory – yes or no?  

Fred Como

Burnt Hills

Never Again is now, as Hamas rages on

Jews around the world said, “Never Again,” once the genocide of half the world’s Jewish population by Hitler was finally public.

Hamas has publicized its goal “from the (Jordan) river to the sea,” its vow to destroy Israel and kill all Jews. When asked about the Gazan victims, its position is and was that in every battle there are martyrs, and they have no regret that their conduct creates the martyrs.

We do not hear demands that Hamas stop using innocents as human shields, stop creating “martyrs;” demands that Hamas recognize Israel’s right to exist and wage peace; demands that Hamas surrender the kidnapped innocents unharmed.

All we see is reports of devastation caused by bombing. The world news, including American news, has not reported the extent of the atrocities by Hamas: rape, and mutilation of women and the shooting and burning of children and babies.

The U.N. created the Jewish State of Israel and also created (Trans)-Jordan as an Arab state.

All Arab states attacked Israel. Since then many Arab nations have recognized Israel and live in peace. Not Iran, which uses Hamas as its proxy.

President Bill Clinton negotiated a two-state solution, but Yasir Arafat left before signing it. It has always been on the table.

Instead, Hamas’s official position is to kill all Jews and destroy the land of Israel. Never Again is now. Recognize Israel. Wage peace.

Bruce S. Trachtenberg


Put a stop to meaningless college bowl games

It’s that most wonderful time of the year when NCAA football schools are invited to participate in meaningless bowl games such as the Duke’s Mayo Bowl.

Being invited to a bowl was once a reward for having a successful season. The advent of the Championship Bowl Series has deteriorated selection into winning six games and getting invited to a bowl.

The other bowls have been reduced to postseason scrimmages that do not draw fans and even have a difficult time drawing players. A bid to the double dip creamy salsa bowl game results in rosters being depleted, as players choose to sit out in order to prevent injury prior to the NFL draft. (I wonder if these players would quit just prior to the National Championship Game.)

This year Michigan, Alabama, Washington and Texas competed for the Natty! Undefeated Florida State and 12-1 Georgia were kicked to the curb by the selection committee and were sent to the You Almost Made it to The Big Dance Bowl (aka: Orange Bowl).

This new championship series format should bring an end to the bowls that no one wants to watch or play in or pay for advertising to cover on TV.  It is time to move on.

Dr. John Metallo



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