Consolidating cities

would save money

Both Gloversville and Johnstown are buying new $600,000 firetrucks.

Had the two small cities consolidated into, say, Gloves Cities, only one would have been needed, as that type are only used in rare major fires.

Consolidating police forces would also save money. Only one finance chief would be necessary; one mayor; one council, etc.

The savings, at least on paper, would be immense. Would citizens lose their sense of identity? Have New York City residents lost their sense of identity since their several large boroughs were joined together?

Ultimately taxes will probably prevail, I think.

David Childs


Limiting tobacco usage the right choice

Summer is the time of the year where families are out and about enjoying the weather. Barbecues are plentiful, the sun is shining, and kids are playing. With the end of summer comes local carnivals, fairs, and festivals.

Montgomery County Cares Coalition is a proud supporter of the Fonda Fair’s decision to limit tobacco usage and prohibit cannabis usage on the fairgrounds. The coalition’s mission is to build a healthier Montgomery County through the reduction and prevention of youth substance use, health awareness, and collaboration with community partners. Family fun should be top priority for fair goers. This should be a place where our community can enjoy clean air and a place in which our kids can breathe freely and be…. well, just kids!

We know our Montgomery County youth enjoy being smoke free because more than 64% of youth in grades 9-12 reported not using cigarettes or e-cigarettes in their lifetime (2019 Prevention Needs Assessment Survey).

For more information, visit Advancing Tobacco Free Communities at and Montgomery County Cares Coalition on FB @MontCoCares.

Gwen Ossenkop


(The writer is program coordinator for Montgomery County Cares Coalition.)

Please get vaccinated

Donald Trump got something right when it comes to COVID-19. He pushed for an aggressive public-private partnership to bring multiple vaccines to the market in record time. Operation Warp Speed exceeded almost everyone’s expectations, producing vaccines that are safe and highly effective, including against the dangerous Delta variant now running rampant in much of the United States. Trump could have done more to promote the vaccines that he helped make happen. Getting his own vaccine publicly, rather than secretively, surely would have encouraged more of his followers to do the same.

Instead, getting vaccinated has become part of the culture wars. People like Fox News host Tucker Carlson are happy to exploit our cultural divide for their personal gain. Tucker has the number one cable news show in the nation and makes a tidy sum of $6 million a year. Tucker has promoted irrational fears of the covid vaccine and railed against government efforts to encourage more people to get vaccinated calling it ”the greatest scandal in my lifetime, by far.”

But here’s a question that Tucker does not want to answer: whether he himself has been vaccinated. My advice is bet every dollar you’ve got that Tucker has gotten the shot. Carlson can’t admit that because it would expose him as the hypocrite that he is. The best that you can say about Tucker is that he is an entertainer and that you shouldn’t take him seriously. The worst you could say is that he doesn’t care if his viewers get sick or die as long as he is making money along the way.

Fulton County has among the lowest vaccination rates in New York state. The Delta variant is coming our way and is the most dangerous form of COVID yet. We are at risk. Getting vaccinated will protect you and your loved ones. Please get your shot and encourage your loved ones to do the same.

There are things to be afraid of here but the vaccine and government efforts to encourage people to accept the shot are not among them. Be afraid of getting COVID-19. And be afraid of the consequences of taking people like Tucker Carlson seriously.

Bill Doran
